
Showing posts from 2024

A Month of Blogs Day 26 (High School)

  Honestly, it's been a long time. I was not Catholic, but I went to a Catholic high school. It was a good place and to be honest, I only had an issue with 1 person there ever and I think he was clinically insane or something. Dude was a tinny little guy who wanted to mess with everyone and had his ass handed to him so many times it's not funny, but he never learned to shut his face and leave people alone. I enjoyed the fact that there was computer programing classes and we had an introduction to law and sociology. I don't think any other school had this in my city at the time. We had a stage that we never used as well. I don't ever remember there even being a drama class in the school. But it was there in the gym. I really don't remember anything specific from those days to say the least, other than what I just said. So have a good one.

A Month of Blogs Day 25 (Something Inspiring to You)

  Nature in a word. To see the trees blowing in the wind, or a bird floating on the air, that is inspirational to say the least. A great example was when I was doing direct sails in the countryside. I was just coming back from a farm where I'd sold some product (window cleaning kit). It was just as the sun was going down. This time instead of a red sky, it was blazing a golden color. The ripe wheat was blowing in the wind, and all I could see to the left of me was this mass of moving golden beauty. I had to stop the car and get out and just stand there for 15 minutes watching it slowly fade as the sun went down. I wrote one of my best poems that night. Sadly I lost the lot of them, as I mistakenly tossed the book I had penned it in out. Just sitting in the park and seeing the natural world around be - the trees, the flowers, the squirrels - makes me want to live forever, so I can see more of this wonder. I think most people miss what is right in front of them. They will literally w

August Photo Challenge

1. Selfie 2. Blue 3. Orange 4. Green 5. Red 6. Yellow 7. Pink 8. Stone 9. Animal 10. Toy 11. Vehicle 12. Stop 13. Close-Up 14. Black & White 15. Something You Love 16. Body Part 17. Long Exposure 18. What You Wore Today 19. From a Low Angle 20. Furniture 21. Food 22. Eyes 23. Signage 24. Tree 25. Metal 26. From a High Angle 27. Fabric 28. Wood 29. Technology 30. Clock 31. Door

A Month of Blogs Bonus Prompt (Today)

Today I'm tired as heck, as I slept very little last night. I have a lot on my mind, and the chronic insomnia is kicking in the last while. I've has insomnia since I was 10 years old, and it full on sucks. There is a heat advisory as it's going to top out at 34C - and that is rather hot. There is also an air quality advisory with smoke being thick in the air from wildfires. It's not a good day to be outside. I can smell the smoke in my apartment, so it must be terrible outside. I wanted to walk to the park, but I think I'll wait for another day. I'm a bit to scattered for a decent movie, so I'm going to put on some fluff that won't make me need to think too much. I've done a tone of puzzles in the very early hours of the day, and I might do some more later on, but I'm not sure, I'm just not feeling it right now. I may end up just listening to a lot of music today. I'm also hoping someone will FINALLY contact me about a matter I need resol

A Month of Blogs Bonus Prompt (A Person Who Inspires Me)

I won't name them, but they are a person who I truly look up to in so many ways. They have worked their entire life to be able to help others, not just gain personally. They go out of their way to help when they can. They have done without so others could have what they need. What more could you ask for in a roll model? As well, they have been there for me and others so many times in the past with words of wisdom and encouragement. They are a rock that holds me up and keeps me going. I know several others like her, but I don't think anyone I have known works as hard to help as this her. She is a blessing - an angel on earth. I honestly think God sent her into my life to keep me from doing stupid things to myself. I am very grateful to have know her for many years now.  

Not Safe To Go Outside Today

There is a heat advisory, telling us it is dangerous to be outside today. It's going to go up to 34c today, and that is rather hot. Not as hot as other places have been, but it's dangerous hot out there. As well, there is an air quality advisory, as there is a lot of smoke in the air, and it can cause a lot of health issues. The ER has been slammed the last 3 days because of the smoke. Mostly elderly people. It's not a good day to go out there, but I wanted to go to the park so bad today - but it's not reasonable to do so, so I'm staying inside. I have a lot of health issues, and I don't need to end up in the ER waiting for many hours to be seen. So here I sit and watch movies and play puzzles I guess. Keep safe if you are in the same situation.

A Month of Blogs Day 24 (A Lesson You've Learned)

The only big learning experience in the last half a year, is I should not drink. My friends and followers will know why. I can’t stop when I’m alone, I just keep going. This led to me almost dying on New Years Eve. I ended up in the hospital for 9 days. I lost 50% of my muscle mass in my legs in one night. I don’t understand this, but it is what happened. It took months to get my strength back. I’m sill not as balanced as I used to be and am a fall risk to say the least at times. It's been 7 months and 24 days to the point of this blog, and I stumbled twice in the first 2 months. I let people down and got drunk. Worse, I let myself down. Since then, I’ve literally had 1 glass of whiskey in the entire time with a friend, and I said no to more. Most likely should not have had that one glass, but I did. I enjoy the taste of it, and the burn in the back of my throat. It’s very pleasurable. This is why it’s so hard to stop drinking. Also being drunk just feels great, there is no anxiety



Wakamow Fog

Weather app tells me visibility is 5KM - LOL, I don't think so. Can't see across the street. Fog rolls in from Wakamow Valley here in Moose Jaw at times, and this was one of those times. But on top of the hills in town, it would be clear still. It's interesting when you are driving down the hill into this, It's just filling the low arias. It looks cool.  

My Instagram Reel Is Popular

Well, this Instagram reel is doing well. I'm also getting a hell of a lot of views on others - along with a crazy amount of likes. If I leave it 20 minutes the amount of like is over 100, the notifications cut off at 100. I'm glad people are getting a smile or a chuckle out of these, it's why I post them. For many years I was completely ignored on there and all the sudden I get slightly popular for no reason I can think of. The image is from between the 9th and the 22nd BTW.  

The Joys of Public Housing Sigh

I got no reply yet, and this morning it happened again with laundry soap suds, I'm violently allergic to the brand being used. They are obviously using way too much of it in their sink. This is a nightmare for me.  

153 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle Solved With Time


A Month of Blogs Day 23 (A Letter to Someone Who Passed Away)

Dear Dad I miss you so much, and I wish I could just watch movies with you. I've seen so many movies the last couple of months that you would have loved. It was so enjoyable to watch movies on TV with you when I could. I wish I would have said something when you where still here. I have to say, life is nothing but a living hell the last few months, and I wish you where here to tell me it's going to be OK. You where a great person who did so much for so many and I wish I could do the same, but I just don't have the ability. I know you are up there in heaven thinking of me too. Sooner or later, we will meet again. Love ya.  

A Month of Blogs Day 22 (A Perfect Day You Had)

This is going to be not as long as the last one, but here we go - with my dodgy memory. I'm 10 years old, and it is Christmas day. I wake up early and the family opens their presents. I got exactly what I asked for and some clothing. What I wanted was a chemistry set with a microscope that goes to the power of 250X magnification. It was the best gift I can remember getting. All day we munched on nuts and candy and played games together. We almost never had nuts and candy, so it was a heck of a treat to me. The it was time for dinner, and it was the best meal I remember my Mother cooking. It was a rare time when the turkey was not dry as a bone. It was all so very good and I deeply enjoyed it. I felt great gratitude for what I had in life - this I think was the first time I felt this. I literally thought God was shining on me at the time. Later after dinner, my Cousins and my Aunt and Uncle came over. They gave me a record of "Eagles" (the band). I have lost the memory of

A Month of Blogs Day 21 (LOVE) With A Side Talk / Warning

  Definition: Love is a set of emotions and behaviors characterized by intimacy, passion, and commitment. It involves care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust. Well, I think it's more dynamic than that. The attraction can be in a non sexual manner. I do think you need to trust people to love them. It is interesting that there are people who keep telling themselves they are in love when there is no trust, but what is really happening is they are just in need of the person in some manner. What is Love to me? It's a force that moves my life and keeps me going. I'd be long gone from this world if I did not have love for people in my life - as well as a general feeling of love toward the natural world and people in general. A lot of people thing simple affection is the same as love, but it is only a part of love, and there can be affection and not actual love. Other uses: People in out language use Love for many feelings or even desires. We call it makin

6 AI Images of Sadness With 2 Prompts to Use

 Prompt: A woman sitting in the dark looking out her large window onto a city lit up with neon light her back to the camera and silhouetted. Moody and feeling of sadness and longing. Prompt: A man and his dog sitting in the dark looking out her large window onto a city lit up with neon light her back to the camera and silhouetted. Moody and feeling of sadness and longing. Images done with Copilot.

A Month of Blogs Day 20 (Your Celebrity Crush Past or Present)

Well both of these go back a long way. I am pansexual, so I'm going to include a male and female crush from back in the early days of my life. Burt Reynolds. Believe it or not, he was considered very sexy in the 70's and 80's. It's 1983 (I'm 16) and I see the movie (in the cinema) Stroker Ace. I was like, "dang hers sexy A.F." The infatuation lasted not all that long however, as his style started to annoy the hell out of me after a while, and all the talk about how vane he was turned me the hell off. Lynda Carter. It's around the same time as for Burt, and I'm watching re-runs of Wonder Woman on T.V. I just think she is the most sexy woman I've ever seen, and to this day, the image of her in that outfit makes me warm and fuzzy. I had the desire to be tied up in her golden rope. Again, this did not really last that long. To say the least, I'm rather sure I never crushed on any celebrity again in my life. I just started to see them as fake fo

36 trippy puzzles for Jigsaws Galore (Dark Psychedelic)

36 trippy puzzles for Jigsaws Galore (225 pieces each) in 4 sets of 9. Images made with Copilot and Playground. I would consider these a bit tougher than average to do. Puzzle files go in: C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\Jigsaws Galore\Jigsaws Download HERE .  

A Month of Blogs Day 19 (Your First Love)

Well, she is dead, so I'll use her real first name - Sarah. Sarah was a small girl in stature, but her personality was larger than life. She also lit up a room when she came into it. I was rather a downer at the time, thinking that the world was nothing but evil and pain. How she fell in love with me I will never know. But one day at a bush party (drinking party in the countryside), there she was. She did not drink anything but Coke that night, and never did I see her drink alcohol. We bonded and over the next two months fell deeply in love.  It was to say the least passionate. When I held her, the world melted away and there was nothing but the warmth that enveloped us. Her favorite food was Greek ribs of all things. Her favorite drink was Dr. Pepper. Her hair was red and her spirit unbreakable. She was ever optimistic in life. She wanted children, even though I though it was a bad idea to bring kids into this world, but we never had that chance. One of her life goals was to go to

A Month of Blogs Day 18 (30 Facts About Me)

  This is going to be hard. I'm literally terrible about describing myself like this. I find a lot more easy to do about other people. But here we go. 1. I won a gold medal target shooting at a national competition at the age of 12. 2. I have training in information technology. 3. I have training in electronic repair. 4. I have management training. 5. A friend and I drove a beat up old car from Moose Jaw to New Orleans and lived in the car for 2 weeks. 6. I saw B.B. Kink live in a pub in New Orleans. 7. I had a Voodoo cleaning ritual done on me. 8. I have read the entire bible multiple times. 9. I used to be able to hit an apple at 600 yards with my custom made rifle. 10. I seriously injured my spine twice. 11. I officiated 2 wedding ceremonies. 12. I had 100 needles placed into my back in a pattern just to experience it. 13. I've been to several nudist resorts in the USA and Canada. 14. I've seen the grand canyon. 15. I visited Red Rock Stadium, but did not see a concert t

400 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle Done With Time

  400 pieces - 1 hour 2 minutes 18 seconds. It was kind of hard with all the white.

Ziggy's Creamy Potato Salad

It's creamy tasting, but really rather dry I find. The texture is not all that pleasant as well. The taste is just too strong for me as well. Normally I like strong flavor, but this is kind of a slightly sour taste, and it's not doing it for me. I am sure however, that most people would enjoy this. I'm going to rate it 6/10. It's a good value as well at only $6.99 a tub. It does go down nice with hot dogs.  

4 Small Jigsaw Puzzles Completed With Times

 All images made with Copilot image generator. Puzzled made with and played on Jigsaws Galore . OOPS on the last one - wrong top image. Time for the puzzle was 1 minute 36 seconds.

A month of Blogs Day 17 (Ways to Win Your Heart)

You must be a kind person who wants to help others for starters. You don't need to be very romantic, but it helps to be a little romantic. Just love hanging out with me and talking about anything we need to share. Listen to me and give me kind answers. Cooking well is a big bonus as well.  

A Month of Blogs Day 16 (Someone You Miss)

  I miss my best friend a lot. She was a lot like me in many ways. We had the same personality, sense of humor and taste in movies. We used to just hang out for hours and talk and laugh and so on. He died a while ago, and I will never stop missing her. She suffered a lot in this life, and I know she is free of that now, but I long to have her back with me. To be honest, if we met 20 years before we did, I'd probably end up married to her. But we where just very close friends in or old age, as it where.

A Month of Blogs Day 15 (Run Away)

If you could run away, where would you go? Well there has to be things in place for me to do so. First I need enough money to stay there the rest of my life. Second I need access to my meds for the rest of my life. Third I need a medical person to check in on me every day and to help me with a couple of things all the time. But if all that was in place, I'd run away to a cabin in the woods by a lake. I'd spend the entire time nude and enjoying my life. I'd go in the lake, I'd enjoy nature. It would have to be far enough away from others, that I would not hear any sounds from people, like cars or anything. The medical person would have to be OK with me not having clothing on of course. I'd enjoy cooking simple meals every day with the food that was delivered as well. When it came time I could not be on my own, I'd just do the medical assisted death thing and be gone in the place I loved to be. Of course, I'd need internet for streaming and keeping in contact

My Instagram Badges


6 144 Piece Jigsaw Puzzles Completed With Times

Puzzles made in Copilot AI image maker, and played in Jigsaws Galore . Click images to enlarge if needed. Best views on a computer browser.

A Month of Blogs Day 14 (Describing Your Style)

  Very casual. I normally have on sweat pants, a T-shirt and runners. I typically don't tend to have socks on, unless it's winter. As for my bloody hair, it's all over unless I cut it all off. I can't seem to do anything with my hair at all, it's just going to stick out all over and look wild. I've never been one for anything fancy other than a short span in the 1980's where I had on actual nice pants, a tailored shirt, and one of those thin ties you saw back then (it was pink leather). In the 1980's my hair was actually nice and kept in place, I don't really know what the hell happened to my hair, but it sucks now.

The Garden, Soup and Photo Sorting

This is a view of the garden we have outside my building. I love sitting out there and seeing the plants and just enjoying the day. I miss having my own garden, and taking care of my lawn back in the day. But I get to look at the nice plants and be happy at least. Lentil soup is what I eat most of the time. Sometimes I eat it cold out of the fridge, but mostly I eat it hot. I normally use crushed tomatoes, but this time I used stewed tomatoes, and it's way better this way I think. The onion in it sets it off well, and I enjoyed it a lot. So, I had 14,486 photos at 38.1 GB and sorted them down to 9.340 photos at 25.2 GB. I also sorted them into the categories you see here. In the folders there are other folders (mostly) so I can find things more easily. Before it was just a jumble of folders I had to scan through to find stuff. Now it's much more easy to do.  

A Month of Blogs Day 13 (Your Favourite Possession)

This is Pusheen the cat. I have a bunch of Pusheen toys, but this was my first. It was made by a company that is not the one who makes the toys now, so it is slightly rare. There is a 14 inch one on my fridge from the same company it's it's more rare. But this is my favorite thing in the work. The one on the fridge I pretend to give food and water to, like a real cat, and sometimes cray it around the apartment pretending she is moving around. This one I only interact with in bed and when I'm having a panic attack. Holding her seems to help the panic attal a lot. She sits on the night stand beside the bed and I say good night to her every night and pretend to give her a treat. I know very mature for a 57 year old LOL, but it makes me happy. As soon as I saw Pusheen cartoons many years ago, I fell in love with the character. I was hocked and have not missed a cartoon since. As I say, I have several toys of her in various forms, and love them all, but this is the one I love th

Get To Know Me Blank Graphics (To Fill In)

 Click the image to enlarge before saving them.