Humanity Will Never Be Free of Oppression

I listen to every episode of The Moth on my podcast app. They are always entertaining, moving, inspirational, and sometimes devastating to listen to. Today I got devastating. I listened to a woman who was a reporter traveling to Syria to report on the civil conflict there. This ends up making me feel so bloody lucky to be where I am, so I will never experience the things she did. She describes being in a cell not knowing if she is going to die. The cell is covered in blood. She focuses in on a young boy being tortured to death. She listens as he screams in pain and begs to God for help, and cries out for his Mother. This makes me so intensely sad for people who live this. It also fills me with intense rage toward people who can do things like this and still sleep at night. Humanity can be the most glorious of creatures and the worst of demons. Long ago I lost the ability to think we will not end our planet in a hellish nuke fight. Things like this make it harder for me to see th...