Next Moth Ima Try Harder With Weight Loss (I Hope)

Tomorrow is weigh in day. After eating this for a week. That would be spiced up butter fried chicken and beans with veggies. I been literally sucking at it this year. I have only lost about 25 lbs so far. Should be up around 70 or so. But I been bad more than good. It's been an enjoyable ride though. The worst thing is, I know I can get it done because last year I lost a lot more weight. In fact last year I dropped 73.4 lbs. I stupidly quoted 90 on YouTube in a comment today though and though "that ain't right" and looked it up - not was not right. I got 25 weeks left in the time frame and if I don't mess it up yet again (over and over) I should be able to hit 50. Life is going to suck if I do, but it's possible. First week was Mar. 31st 2017 last week will me Mar 23rd. 2018. See I started in the middle of a year. I got to stay the hell away from processed food and stop doing things like eating a big ass poutine. Not to mention a double baco...