
Showing posts from September, 2023

Comparing 3 AI Image Generators

Here I will compare 3 AI image generators and Deep Dream Generator (DDG) with a free account can generate an image of 1630 x 1278 maximum. At lowest quality and size you can get 28 images a day out of it in 2 sessions or about 6 at maximum quality and size. Playground with a free account can generate an image of 1024 x 1024 maximum. You can get up to 1000 images aa day out of it. Leonardo with a free account can generate an image of 768 x 1152 maximum. You can get 2 or 3 images a day out of it with your points. There is a bug that now and then will set off the you can't do that warning for no reason. Below are images I generated with the same prompt for all 3 of a kind (2 on each site). Rating I give them is 3/5 - 5/5 - 4/5 respectively.

What's on My Phone?


Shaw Cable Internet Speed Not What It Should Be

Sitting here trying to get some work done online (editing), and the modem goes off (of course). When it comes on a few minutes later, my download speed has tanked. You can see from the graphic I been testing since my upgrade in the 900's (I really don't test often but my download took a LONG time). Now I'm getting 103 down? The average has to be from before when I had a much slower internet package. I'm paying a LOT of money for this and I want all I can get out of it, not this nonsense. When contract is over, I think I eat the loss in upload speed (I upload a lot of video) and switch to a medium speed on SaskTel - It will save me a lot of money over a year and I will have a discount for bundling with my mobile phone plan. I don't need this 1.5 Gig stuff and I don't know why I say yes to it, instead of switching to 150 meg instead for a lot less money - But I did say yes. It's just me here and even at 150 if I'm streaming on the TV and uploading on my ph

2 Scams and a Spam Text

This is on Google Docs. They create a doc, then in the comments of the doc they tag people - lots of people. It's 100% a scam or worse, dangerous to click their links. To be honest, 80 people where tagged and it's not like all of us had magically acquired $24K now is it. Being that I've never had F.A. to do with bit coin mining in my life, also kind of sure it's a scam at best. This has been going on as long as Google Docs has existed, yet they never stopped it, and you have no ability to set it so people can't tag you or share with you without permission. There is a spam for of this where they send you a ling to "edit this picture". Well editing is generally turned off and it's typically porn spam as an image, so you get unwanted pornography in your browser. People have been complaining about this for as long as either service has existed and Google has done not one thing to stop it. BTW the URL I covered would have passed code as it's a maco scri

Big Jump in Temperature

Big temperature change the last few days. 4c is almost freezing and 27c is kind of hot. It's not normal, even for this time of year. It should be cool in the day right now.  

A Couple of Screen Shots - AKA I Don't Like Being Cold

Just happened to wake my phone up when it was 9:11 on 9-11. I still remember when it happened. I was sleeping after working nights and a friend phoned and told me to turn on the TV. I asked what channel and he said, "It's on all of them." It was on all of them. I'll never forget that day. My anger was strong and I wanted retaliation. Sadly what became of retaliation was a long pointless war that accomplished next to nothing and ended the lives of a lot of people and messed up even more lives for good. This was this morning (Sep 16, 2023). 4C is about 39F for the only 3 countries in the world that don't use metric. The heat won't be turned on in my building for about a month yet. They need it to be a certain temperature in the daytime several days in a row before they turn the boiler on. There is literally no valid reason for this at all of course. A lot of places run a boiler year round and it's only turned off for maintenance. But when it's -17C out a

A Dumb Scammer

Got a couple hundred of these in the spam folder. LOL. If you are running a scam, don't literally send hundreds of the same emails to the same people. Also don't send it to multiple people in the same email. Got to wonder how dumb they are.  

Lots of Puzzles for Jigsaws Galore and a Cookbook

AI Art (50 folders of 66 Puzzles) 80 Pieces Baby Pictures of Me (25 Puzzles) 80 Pieces Fractal (18 Puzzles) 500 Pieces Tall Ships (45 Puzzles) 150 Pieces My Cookbook (PDF) There are 3300 AI Art Puzzles and a total of 3388 Puzzles for Jigsaws Galore (V7.35) * Tall Ships are also AI art images I generated. All AI Art was generated by myself using a number of AI sites.

September Vlogging Challenge

1. Your goal for the month 2. Something you are proud of accomplishing 3. Fission, old or new 4. What you are thankful for 5. Highlights from summer 6. Things about fall you enjoy 7. Things you would like to improve about yourself 8. 8 things about you 9. Pets, now or in the past 10. Something you lost 11. A childhood memory 12. Talk about a movie you love 13. Your top guilty pleasure 14. An injury you have or had in the past 15. 3 favorite series 16. How you feel about how you look 17. Something that annoys you 18. What you are thankful for 19. A love interest you have or had 20. A trip you went on 21. A cause you're passionate about 22. Most listened to song this month so far 23. Something you want to learn 24. How do you exercise 25. A book you love 26. At least 2 hobbies you love 27. Celebrity crush now or in the past 28. At least 3 things that make you happy 29. At least 3 favorite foods 30. How was your month

Google Charged Me $2 and I Don't Know Why

Well this is interesting, this showed up on my credit card. I did not buy anything for $2.00 and I do not have a subscription that is $2.00. If this clears, who do I even contact about it? I looked in my account with Google and there is no record of a $2.00 purchase or rental. Where they heck did it come from and why the heck is it there?  

Identify as Having a Disability?

This was on a survey I did the other day. I have to wonder why it does say, "Do you have a disability or disabilities?" To say identify implies, you may not actually have one, you just like to say you do, or you think you do when you don't. It's like depression, a lot of people feel sad and call it depression when in reality it's not the same thing at all. Now I'm full on behind gender identity and identifying as Male Trans female and all the many variations, but this is not cool to me. As someone with a disability I can back up with a letter from a doctor, this is just astonishing to me. Then again, I'm on SAID - a disability program from Saskatchewan Social Services. When it first started and I was being interviewed for eligibility, I asked, "do you need a letter from my doctor?" The answer was, "no you just need to self declare as disabled." I remember saying, "That is really a bad idea" to the lady interviewing me. Turns o

My Day in Photos (ER Trip)

It was a nice day to go to the hospital. Thought it might be something very bad that I had before, but it's spider bites (3). Back of the building - a fire exit from the basement to the right and to the left is the emergency generator. No idea what the pipes are for at the back of the building. Parking lot to the right, lawn that slopes down to the basement windows to the left. Fall risk label - if you are a fall risk, they flip this around so they can see if before entering the room you are put in in the ER. Hard to see, but there is a bone here, probably from a medium sized bird by the look of it. This is teaching your child the wrong thing. A discarded Childs mask outside the ER at the F.H. Wigmore Regional Hospital. Again, people are slobs, toss it in the trash, not on the bloody ground. It's not hard, you need to walk 30 feet back in and toss it in the trash. Kind of wonder how this happened. If it was hit by a car, the car was on the sidewalk. Just liked the shot. Basebal

Sorting Out Files On My PC Last Night

Pictured is me deleting a large amount of files from a history folder for MB3D, while moving thousands of times to a folder after sorting them into 12 different sub-folders, and hacking the Gibson in the background (do you get the reference)? I sorted my desktops folder in my graphics folder in documents. I've made 3231 of them over the years and it took me over an hour to sort them into 12 groups so they can be looked up by category and not just in a large bunch. The folders where on desktop and then I tossed them back into the desktop folder in documents. Then I went to MB3D and dumped all the history files for months back as I literally never use them, instead I save all my parameters by year in folders and keep only the finished products. In the background, I am using diskpart (it's part of windows utilities) to format a boot jump drive that I want to use for other things. You see, when you make a boot jump drive for windows, it makes a hidden portion that you can't rec

Scams in my Spam Box

They do try. This is an email in my spam box. I cut out the part where it says "withdraw your money by entering payment details here." Then there was a link to a sight in Eastern Europe. Yup I'll just click that and enter my banking info right away. But people do fall for it all the time. In the spam box was also some think from Denmark about 1700 channels of TV from around the world and the top 5 streaming services all in one package for $50 a month. I'm sure it's just a way of harvesting your credit card info. I got it in all 3 spam boxes (3 email accounts). I also keep getting texts from Canada Post saying I need to pay them taxes before they deliver my package. Then there is the endless texts and emails from "Amazon" claiming that I need to verify payment info to get my laptop. Then there was the phone call saying it was my grandson and he needed money to get a plain ticket because his stuff was stolen on vacation - the fact that I never had children

Utility Fee Going Up Again Next Year

Time to raise the utility fees again. Recently they took the laundry off the utility fee and made it a $10 fee just to have the laundry, if you use it or not and some don't - they have it sent out instead, but they still pay. Almost all of us do use the laundry however. Yup every year it seems to go up $5. There is little choice however, as the utility rates they pay out go up every few months it seems. There is the thing however, that with the service in our apartments, we literally can't use as much power as a more modern apartment would allow. As well we are all poor and don't tend to have a tone of stuff to plug in. There is an installation fee that is kind of steep ($50) for the A.C. unit as well. I'm kind of sure this is to help offset the power they use. I'm actually thinking of not having it put in next year. I'd save the money for something else, and my body feels the heat less every year. This year I've had it on a grand total of 5 times. I don'