October Tag Challenge
These questions look very familiar and I may have done this question bank before, but I am going to do them again anyway. For the month of October, 2024 - I'll be posting a tag a day with 10 questions each for a total of 310 questions. Just for the hell of it. Part 1 of 31 1. What is the smallest thing for which you are grateful? 2. Who has had the most positive impact on your life? 3. If you could use a time machine, would you rather have one that only goes back in time or only goes forward? 4. If you got a promotion, a job, a college acceptance, an accolade/award, or just generally accomplished something major, who is the first person you'd tell and how do you think they'd react? 5. If you were an inanimate object, what would you be and why? 6. Where do you wish you had grown up? 7. If you could be good at any profession without having to receive the accompanying education or trade experience, which would you choose? 8. What is something you're terrible at but wish yo