
The Warrior's Prayer


Life With Fibromyalgia

People with Fibromyalgia (Fibro) end up having to quit their jobs, no matter how hard they pushed than worked to get to where they were when they quit. It’s just too much to cope with and you literally are not capable of doing it anymore. When you have Fibro, you end up being judged by people who don’t understand the depth of this disorder. They don’t comprehend the amount of pain you are in and the fact that you can literally pass out from the pain if you push too hard. I’ve personally laid in bed many times wishing God would just take me home. The fact that I know for sure others have it worse is testament to the strength of some of the Fibro Warriors. Because they don’t see the disability readily, they think we are fine and just freeloading. The fact that it is medically provable now that we have the affliction means nothing to them. A person with Fibro must learn their limitations. If we go past the line, it can be days or weeks before we are back to the base line. There is never a

With A Little Help From My Friends

2 friends sent things off my wish list. The Magnesium I need and some coffee I want. I'm very grateful for this. It saves me a bit of money. I get $263 today, but most of it is going back out for things and services I need for the next 3 months. I'll have some fun money this time, thank God, but most will be gone by the end of the day.  

Price Difference From When I Was A Child (50 Years)

50 year price difference - from when I was a little kid to now. I honestly thought it would be worse, but here it is. Images created with Copilot. I do remember being able to go to the store on Saturday with my $0.25 and get a coke and a bag of chips. I also remember being able to take the same $0.25 and go to the cinema and watch a double feature. Popcorn was $0.15 - I never got a drink, so I don't remember the price. I also don't recall the price of the bus. There was these candies that at the time had a horrible racist name stamped on the package that where 2 for a penny. I remember  the store by the school having a tone of candy. They had a thing you could fill this little bag for $0.20 and it was a lot of candy for the price. You had to only choose from the one shelf however, the good stuff was not included. The really big jump is meat I'm told, but I could not find prices. All I know is that it's $35 for a small roast beef now and a turkey can be $65. A steak can

Thanksgiving 2024 - I'm Grateful For

Well this is the day AFTER Thanksgiving, but I got distracted with self pity and a few good films. So here it is, some of the things I'm thankful for. Friends who keep me strong and save me from myself. A roof over my head, no everyone has this. Safe water (even if it tastes terrible). Enough food to eat. Entertainment - I have streaming and a nice TV. Art - I enjoy the heck out of making fractals and other things. Music - music is something that I literally need in my life, it heals me. A good (not great, just good) health care system that I don't need to pay a fortune for. Now if a doctor would just FECKING STAY IN THE CITY for more than a year, that would be nice. Living in a rent controlled building. It's not the nicest place on earth, but I'm very happy here. Being able to afford ordering in my groceries. I'm unable to safely shop these days, so I need to order in instead. The system that was put in place in Saskatchewan to help people like me who are disabled.

The Platform 2 (2024) - A Review (Spoilers)

Just watched "The Platform 2" and it blew by doors the hell off. There is so much depth to this movie. It explores so many aspects of the human condition and our political and interpersonal interactions. It even hits on religion and the idea that most people will reject the most meaningful ideas in favor of the affiliations. In it, someone looked on as a fool has the ultimate way of seeing reality, and is laughed at. It has a rating of 5.0/10 on IMDB at the time of this post. I gave it a perfect 10. I don't want to be judgmental of elitist, but I'm certain most people are not able to grasp all that is being said here, and can only see the dark violence in it. At first it explores the idea that we can impose a punishment on ourselves voluntarily. The people going into "the pit" are there willingly to pay for crimes they got away with in the first place. Next we see the idea that it's an experiment by the powers that control this dark world, just to see wh

God I Miss You Mom

I miss her some much. We where like best friends in my adult years. We would spend a lot of time together just talking or watching TV together. We often watched Golden Girls on her TV. Our bond was deep. When I had to watch her rot away from cancer, it was something I'll never be over. It took part of my soul watching it happen. Nothing will fix it. For a couple of years I took care of her in her home. I moved into the same apartment building as her, even though the rent was higher than I could do normally. I would cook for her, and help her with everything she needed help with. I gave all I had to the point of exhaustion. I managed to get some help for her, but not nearly enough. I'm disabled and it was seriously hard to do all the work that needed to happen. Then when she was in the home, I visited every day, even when I was in terrible pain. Half of the time she was in a home 5 blocks from my home, and I walked every day, even in the rain. When she needed to be taken to Regi

Keyboard Recommendations on Samsung A54

The keyboard recommendations LOL. I would like to know how this came to be. How do these 3 date ranges associate with the dates? A lot of people had to type this in for it to have ended up in the suggestions, because it's nothing even close to anything I typed after a sad face emoji. I've had some strange ones come up over the years, but this is something else. Although I seem to remember 1923 coming up a few times when I typed in news, and I got not a clue what that's about either.