
A Month of Blogs Day 26 (High School)

  Honestly, it's been a long time. I was not Catholic, but I went to a Catholic high school. It was a good place and to be honest, I only had an issue with 1 person there ever and I think he was clinically insane or something. Dude was a tinny little guy who wanted to mess with everyone and had his ass handed to him so many times it's not funny, but he never learned to shut his face and leave people alone. I enjoyed the fact that there was computer programing classes and we had an introduction to law and sociology. I don't think any other school had this in my city at the time. We had a stage that we never used as well. I don't ever remember there even being a drama class in the school. But it was there in the gym. I really don't remember anything specific from those days to say the least, other than what I just said. So have a good one.

A Month of Blogs Day 25 (Something Inspiring to You)

  Nature in a word. To see the trees blowing in the wind, or a bird floating on the air, that is inspirational to say the least. A great example was when I was doing direct sails in the countryside. I was just coming back from a farm where I'd sold some product (window cleaning kit). It was just as the sun was going down. This time instead of a red sky, it was blazing a golden color. The ripe wheat was blowing in the wind, and all I could see to the left of me was this mass of moving golden beauty. I had to stop the car and get out and just stand there for 15 minutes watching it slowly fade as the sun went down. I wrote one of my best poems that night. Sadly I lost the lot of them, as I mistakenly tossed the book I had penned it in out. Just sitting in the park and seeing the natural world around be - the trees, the flowers, the squirrels - makes me want to live forever, so I can see more of this wonder. I think most people miss what is right in front of them. They will literally w

August Photo Challenge

1. Selfie 2. Blue 3. Orange 4. Green 5. Red 6. Yellow 7. Pink 8. Stone 9. Animal 10. Toy 11. Vehicle 12. Stop 13. Close-Up 14. Black & White 15. Something You Love 16. Body Part 17. Long Exposure 18. What You Wore Today 19. From a Low Angle 20. Furniture 21. Food 22. Eyes 23. Signage 24. Tree 25. Metal 26. From a High Angle 27. Fabric 28. Wood 29. Technology 30. Clock 31. Door

A Month of Blogs Bonus Prompt (Today)

Today I'm tired as heck, as I slept very little last night. I have a lot on my mind, and the chronic insomnia is kicking in the last while. I've has insomnia since I was 10 years old, and it full on sucks. There is a heat advisory as it's going to top out at 34C - and that is rather hot. There is also an air quality advisory with smoke being thick in the air from wildfires. It's not a good day to be outside. I can smell the smoke in my apartment, so it must be terrible outside. I wanted to walk to the park, but I think I'll wait for another day. I'm a bit to scattered for a decent movie, so I'm going to put on some fluff that won't make me need to think too much. I've done a tone of puzzles in the very early hours of the day, and I might do some more later on, but I'm not sure, I'm just not feeling it right now. I may end up just listening to a lot of music today. I'm also hoping someone will FINALLY contact me about a matter I need resol

A Month of Blogs Bonus Prompt (A Person Who Inspires Me)

I won't name them, but they are a person who I truly look up to in so many ways. They have worked their entire life to be able to help others, not just gain personally. They go out of their way to help when they can. They have done without so others could have what they need. What more could you ask for in a roll model? As well, they have been there for me and others so many times in the past with words of wisdom and encouragement. They are a rock that holds me up and keeps me going. I know several others like her, but I don't think anyone I have known works as hard to help as this her. She is a blessing - an angel on earth. I honestly think God sent her into my life to keep me from doing stupid things to myself. I am very grateful to have know her for many years now.  

Not Safe To Go Outside Today

There is a heat advisory, telling us it is dangerous to be outside today. It's going to go up to 34c today, and that is rather hot. Not as hot as other places have been, but it's dangerous hot out there. As well, there is an air quality advisory, as there is a lot of smoke in the air, and it can cause a lot of health issues. The ER has been slammed the last 3 days because of the smoke. Mostly elderly people. It's not a good day to go out there, but I wanted to go to the park so bad today - but it's not reasonable to do so, so I'm staying inside. I have a lot of health issues, and I don't need to end up in the ER waiting for many hours to be seen. So here I sit and watch movies and play puzzles I guess. Keep safe if you are in the same situation.

A Month of Blogs Day 24 (A Lesson You've Learned)

The only big learning experience in the last half a year, is I should not drink. My friends and followers will know why. I can’t stop when I’m alone, I just keep going. This led to me almost dying on New Years Eve. I ended up in the hospital for 9 days. I lost 50% of my muscle mass in my legs in one night. I don’t understand this, but it is what happened. It took months to get my strength back. I’m sill not as balanced as I used to be and am a fall risk to say the least at times. It's been 7 months and 24 days to the point of this blog, and I stumbled twice in the first 2 months. I let people down and got drunk. Worse, I let myself down. Since then, I’ve literally had 1 glass of whiskey in the entire time with a friend, and I said no to more. Most likely should not have had that one glass, but I did. I enjoy the taste of it, and the burn in the back of my throat. It’s very pleasurable. This is why it’s so hard to stop drinking. Also being drunk just feels great, there is no anxiety

