
Showing posts from 2011

When you come before God will you know him?

Ya know what keeps most people from knowing God these days? Greed... Things are what this world is about and no one remembers where they came from. They can walk down the street and never see the sun glinting of the fresh due on the lawn. They can see a person in pain on the street and walk past only thinking how disheveled he was. But if we let God show us the world we can see so much more than most people will ever know is there. The joy and the energy that we can get by serving Gods will is unmatched by any thing we can own or any simple pleasure that we can seek. I know what you want to say... You want to saw what evil has been done for God be his followers. These people have never known God and when they stand before him they will fall in shame and weep, but it will be too late then. The good people of this world, those that do for others they will see God and know they are welcome.

One of them days.

Oh man am I ever tired of crazy people and people who do nothing but want stuff from me. A life time of people wanting me to help them when they need it and when I need it nothing in return. I give and give then I vanish from their minds when I need a hand. All I get in return is ignored or my head bit off. Someone tell me why I still care to help people? I do - but there is little in reward it seems. Still I will be there as always. But I some times think what is it worth.

Can people really think like this?

Just saw this, "Welfare recipients are the laziest people you could possibly find. It has already been discerned that they are among the dumbest (See "The Bell Curve.")" Well I work more than full time taking care of my Mom - the person who wrote this no doubt would have stuck her in a home and left her to die years ago. As well I have an IQ of 191 - almost all the people I know on welfare are above average intelligence and well educated. I suppose I am bias and not part of the norm to say the least. It seems that a lot of people I know who deal with others on assistance say the same as above. From what I am told %90 don't need it, but use it - 10% have no choice. This can't be true as in my province 73% of people on welfare are permanently disabled in some manner. Oh and not "The bell curve" part - OMG, if you don't know what your talking about - just pull some terms out of your ass and hope for the best I guess... Now not only does th

Quick Abstract

Done with the font "Split Splat Splodge" A very simple way to make a quick abstract looking image or a background for text.

Photo play


Laundry Room - It's Easy...

 This is the Schedule - Read it and don't be a cunt and do your wash in others times. This is the lint trap - Clean it and don't be a cunt and leave it filthy for the next person.

Nov 5,6,7 in Photos


An August Day In Photos
