
Showing posts from June, 2021

Windows Updates are a Pain

This happens a LOT with security updates. I'll notice my heard drive hitting non stop for 15 minutes and the PC is almost not usable because the update is using 99% of the processor time. Freaking thing with ALWAYS hang at 10% and just sit there chewing on my hard drive for 15 minutes to half an hour and I can't get anything done until it finishes. Seriously, is it so hard to make the update suck less processor time? Other operating systems so it, they update and you literally don't know it's happening. Not windows it's like a child throwing a tantrum and you can hardly deal with it. *Update: It appears Microsoft wants processors with TPM 2.0 to give you the upgrade. This does not seem to jive as a friend has a new this year processor in his work station and it tells him he is not eligible to upgrade.  

I Don't Want Windows 11

I went to the Microsoft page for Windows 11 and looked at the Minimum requirements and have at least double in all respects - often more than double. I download the tool to see if I can get the upgrade and it says NOPE you don't meat system requirements. Well one of them is obviously a lie. The thing is I do NOT want to go to windows 11 on my current PC at all. So if by magic in a future update it decides to give it to me I'll be pissed off. It tells me I won't get it and I'm hoping it's right.  

Marking All Jigsaws Galore Puzzles Not Played

 Navigate to: "C:\Users\{USERNAME}\AppData\Roaming\Jigsaws Galore\Jigsaws". Type "jss" in the search bar (without quotes) and hit return. Select all of the jss files and press delete. You now have all the puzzles set as not played. The actual puzzles are "jsm" files. You can copy then to desktop and email them to a friend with the same puzzle to put in the folder mentioned above. BTW if you zip everything in the folder, you save the puzzles you played in case you need to reinstall on a different computer and don't need to do the again. About once a month I zip them and save them to my cloud.

My Jigsaws Galore Collection

I been using Jigsaws Galore for many years and it was money well spent. You can make your own puzzles and as you see, I really have done that. it's about 40% my own stuff and 40% stuff that was free to download for personal use. The other 20% is the extra downloads that where given out by the creator on his web page over the years and the ones that came with the program to start with. I'll be doing them for years to come I'm sure.

What's On My Phone


Week 25 Term 6 - Weight Update

Week 25 Term 6 -7.9 lbs 405.0 lbs (183.7 kg) This term: +6.0 lbs All time: -93.0 lbs 10 Weeks up 1 Week no change 14 Weeks down  

Vittoria – ORO Coffee Review

Grounds smell oaky and slightly earthy (very slightly). Smells of oak, chocolate, and earthy (more pronounced after brewing). Taste medium dark, oak, dark chocolate (slight), earthy, slightly bitter, smooth, and rich. Rating: 8/10  

Café Gioia Espresso Review

Grounds smell earthy. Smell is mild smelling and not overly complex. Just like regular discount coffee. Taste is dark, slightly bitter and a hint of dark chocolate and a very slight hint of hazelnut. Slightly burnt after taste and I was careful not to over brew it, so it is not on my end. Rating: 5/10 – but it is rather inexpensive.  

Vittoria - Mountain Grown Coffee (Pure Arabica) Review

Cinnamon and mint smell to the grounds. Strong Arabica small to the brewed coffee, as well as mint, oak, and hazelnut. Slight taste of Hazelnut, mint, and the typical Arabica taste. It is very dark and rich and smooth. Rating: 9/10  

Getting My Second Shot Soon

Going to get my second dose soon. I'm looking forward to it. I will feel much safer after and I will enjoy being around people more when I have the full vaccination done. The first one I was tired as hell for 2 days after the first one and my arm hurt, but not terribly. I'm hoping nothing more will happen this time, some I know felt rather sick for a week after, and I don't want that. I not only looked forward to the time I could get the shots, but I feel it my duty as a good citizen to do so. It not only helps reduce risk dramatically for me, but for others around me. It's just the right thing to do. I find the people who don't trust it to be irrational, but it's their choice and I will let them be. We only need about 70% vaccinated to get back to normal, and very soon my aria will be at 75%. This means we get back to normal soon, and that is good for everyone.  

Remembering Lost Loved Ones

This is Fathers Day 2021. I am remembering my Father (Dad) today. Soon he will have been dead for 29 years. That's a long time, but I still miss him all the time. When you love someone, they leave a hole when you loose them. That hole is never filled by anything else, it just stays there. We had great times when I was young. I deeply miss watching bad movies on the CBC with him on Friday night. I miss talking to him about my day and my life and so much more. He was always there for me. I miss my Mother as well. Soon it will be 9 years since she has passed. We had a deep bond and there was nothing I could not tell her, even if it made her cringe. When I cam out, she just said "I know" and went back to reading her paper. Mom and I spent a lot of time together in the end. I was there for her as much as I could be while cancer slowly eat her away to a shell of what once was. The loos of a loved one is always hard, but to see them suffer for years takes it's tole on you. I

Weight Update

-6.7 LBS 412.9 LBS (187.3 KG) This term: +13.9 LBS All time: -85.1 LBS 10 Weeks up 1 Week the same 13 Weeks down  


From Nov. 12, 2020 to today (Jun. 16, 2021) there has been this hole cut in my wall in the kitchen. I don't think it's too much to think, if you are going to make a hole, you come back and fix it, yet here it is 8 months and 4 days later. What can I say, this is the joys of subsidized housing, not having things fixed in a timely manner. Speaking of the tank on my toilet is being held together with silicon calking - sigh. Yeah, it seems to be doing the job but dang, that is a bit Red Green I think (and 2 people get the reference). Over a year ago I told them the thing that makes the shower come one does not work 100%. This is no big deal for me however, as I can still shower just fine, only it is pumping out twice as much out of the tap than the shower, and wasting a lot of water. A fried has a relative in the building and the celling in that persons bathroom was damaged by a leak, and it was left open for a very long time as well. It is demoralizing to have to look at something

Tried Captain Morgan Black Spiced Rum.

Not big into Rum but when it's hot I tend to like it more. This was just good. It's Captain Morgan Black Spiced Rum. Tasted like plumbs and apples and cinnamon, allspice, and black pepper to me. Also had a bit of mint taste to it - peppermint that is. If you do the eggnog thing, this would be good in it. It's 47.2% ABV, so it's got some kick. A couple glasses and I'm starting to feel it. 4 and I'm ready for a nap. To be honest I think I like Sailor Jerry  (46% ABV) better but some I know will like this way better than S.J. I thought it would go good with Coke, so I got some when I picked up my meds at the drug store, and I was right, it rocked with Coke. Might be even better with Pepsi. We made cookies with Sailor Jerry one time and I doubt this stuff would work for that, but a nice rum-coffee cake would do well. Anyway, I have about 1/4 of it left and will probably finish it on Friday. BTW this is way lighter in taste than Sailor Jerry.  


The phone did not take very good shots it seems, but oh well. A new Moka pot was in my box of goodies a friend from Australia sent me. These biscuits tasted great with coffee. MMM Coffee. And more coffee. Drinking this one right now, it's really good. We have the same company here but for some reason it always tastes better when it's from the UK or in this case Australia.  



Pansexual Bingo


Turn Off the Weather Icon in Windows 10 Taskbar

As ALWAYS the latest Windows 10 update said "here is more crap you did not ask for and don't want". The latest was a weather icon on the task bar. This is actually the "News and Interests" app. To make it shut up and stop giving you information you don't really want when you power up your PC, right click the task bar, mouse over News and interests then click Turn off. I seriously with these thing would not be turned on by default. In fact I'd like to be able to literally remove them, but that's not going to happen, it's not in any of the program lists or the Windows features list, so can't make it go completely away.  

Starting Pride Month with Music

It's pride month in most of the civilized world, so I'm listening to Manowar. Accept is next. I love music and am not in a mood for something light or new right now. So the oldies it is. In any event, happy pride and enjoy some music you love.  

Extra Food Order (All Veggie)

Some of the extra stuff I ordered when I made my money oops. The sausage in this sausage chili is a vegan sausage (Italian Spice). There is also a jar of hot salsa, a can of pasta sauce (with fetta), corn, red kidney beans, a packet of taco seasoning mix. I cut up the sausage and left it on the bottom and layered the rest, and put it on high for 2.5 hours. Lastly, mixed it well and put it in containers and then eat some. Got some bonus chips, I did not order these and they do more than one order at a time, so I got some other persons chips. I tried to text the number they service texts updates from, but there was no reply. By the time I email them or get them on Twitter, the other people will either have forgotten it, or got a credit already. So I have chips. I also got salad mix and a whack of cucumbers. Had 2 beer left in the fridge from many weeks ago (about a month ago), so I am drinking them for lunch. I had a salad for breakfast, so it's all good LOL. I also watched 4 movies

Ordered Stuff on Amazon and Made a Money Oops

Was not going to be out of my hole for a wile yet, but was given enough money to do that. Thus I ordered some clothing. There are 3 pair of sweat pants coming and 1 3 pack of undies. I have never had this kind of undies, but if they fit well, I'll order 2 more packs next month. Might order another sweat pants as well. I also ordered the printer I need. I messed up thinking I had money though. I ordered a second set of groceries (mostly veggies) at the price of about $50. Then I realized that none of my subscriptions had come in yet and I needed $53 for them. So now I have like $53 less than I planned. I'll have about $35 for the rest of the month only, but I don't need anything other than what I ordered or paid for already. So all I need is coffee money and this covers that and more. It's $2.50 a coffee outing as I never order food. So 4 x $2.50 is $10.00, so it's covered. I got rid of an addon to prime that I'm not using (Shudder) - I tend to disable it for 6 m

Windows 10 Updating is a Bother

Was wondering why the hard drive light was on for 15 solid minutes and the PC using heavy resources. Well turns out it was downloading the latest missive update to Windows 10. I like how it will say in the update window "future update" and have a "download and install" link. Well, you already downloaded it now didn't you? It literally does not tell you it's updating and with a cheap PC with only 8GB of ram and an i5 it kind of sucks resources like crazy to use the update function. It leaves you thinking "WTF is it doing" every time. Seriously, at least give a notification that you are updating. As well slow it down a little so I can at least do something with the PC without having it slow way the hell down. But that will not happen.  

Weight Update - AKA OH S**T

+23.0 lbs 415.6 lbs (188.5 kg) This term: +16.6 lbs All time: -82.4 lbs 9 Weeks up 1 Week the same 12 Weeks Down Yeah, I had a large pizza and a bottle of booze, I was expecting 8 or 10 lbs, not this. DANG.