Rant Time

Internet speed still not changed at all. Most annoying day in my entire life... Went for coffee and these young girls are SINGING... WTF? Yet I yell shut up you fuckwit and I would be the bad guy. We would still be there if we where not annoyed out of the building... Thank you vacuous plant life self centered ass hats for making this the worst day I ever had annoyance wise... BTW you can't sing worth a shit - you sound like the people that get laughed off the stage at a talent show. But I bet your Mom there (the bad parent she was) thinks we are all so glad to hear you and you have golden voices. Why the hell do you think you should be singing in a restaurant? Does no one have a clue as how to act in public now? Bet if I started saying nice and loud how I like gay sex there would be something said... Yes I am supposed to listen to you shit-for-brains singing and the craptactular music coming out of your phone.

While I am flipping out... Why am I quiet at night? All the others that tend to come and go in the wee hours of the morning tend to make a heck of a sound while doing it waking me up. People next to me banging the closet door and waking me up at 7:30am. Dog below me barking at her shadow. People having a nice little sing along at midnight. But I am respectful and don't even turn the TV on after 11:30pm. Why am I being nice here? On the nights when I can't sleep maybe I should just listen to music and let the folks around me hear it; or watch TV till 4am or something. Oh yes and lets not forget to push the alarm on button 3 million times when you come home at night - I want nothing more than to hear your horn over and over again.

So how did this day start? It started on Wednesday when I called Sasktel to get faster internet and have my cable cut back as I did not want to watch most of the channels I got. So I get on the phone and I tell the lady (she was nice) to put it up for me. She tells me they need to send someone to "change the modem". So Friday (today) the fellow gets here (he was nice) and tells me I need "2 modems" to run 10 megs. I ask why? He tells me because I have HD TV on the other line and the modem can't handle it. Well Shaw can give me HD and 250 megs at the same time with 1 modem. So I say what the hell? Oh well... See I only have 1 phone line in here. I need 2 phone lines for this. Sigh... So he tells me I can up to from 1.5 megs to 5 megs no problem. I call them up (1:15pm) and ask to have this done. I am told it will be "10 minutes to switch it over". 2 Hours later I am still at 1.5... So I call back and am told it can take 2 days to change it. I come home 10pm and it's still 1.5 they quit work at 8pm...

Remember the cable? Well I for got to tell them to do the change and called the Max people (same company) and they tell me they can't do it as there is a work order outstanding. Why I ask. No idea they tell me. So I go on the web page and do it myself. I put in the order to remove all but 1 theme pack. 1/2 hour later ALL the theme packs vanish not just the ones I wanted. So I get on the net and add on the one I want and in a short time it's back on...

Now this would take a day or so if I called in on the phone. Why is it so fast when I do it on the net? Same people processing the orders. Oh and it was so nice of them to NOT tell me I needed 2 phone lines or I would have not ordered the change in the first place. 2 days wasted for nothing. Now another day wasted waiting for something to go threw that would have been done in no time if I ordered it on the net.

Yeppers you can sure as hell tell that the Saskatchewan government owns and runs Sasktel.


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