They Got Mad When I Used the Fun Money for Fun

What can I say. They flipped completely out on my for getting a bottle of whiskey with the money they gifted me and having fun by drinking it. The thing is, they literally said it was for "Fun!"

They went on in the comments of my vlog about not putting food on the table. Also said I had to have the booze on hand to drink it. Well what one do you think I did? You think I had it at home, or that I got it just that day? Make sense will ya.

They also went on about "this is why I did not donate, I knew you would drink with it." And yet, you donated with the full knowledge that I probably would drink with the money, then you get pissed off that you where correct? How dumb is that?

The only other time they "donated" was even less money (don't get me wrong, I'm grateful AF to get anything) they flipped out that I only said thank you in a message back to them, and not in a video for some reason. So I have to think in that case, they only send money to hear their name on my vlog the next day.

It had nothing to do (both times) with charity, it was all about an agenda. They had the need to bitch and complain. I have to tell you, if I give something to a person, I know for a fact, it's theirs now and I don't have any say after that in what they do with it at all. If they want to give it to someone else, they can. If they want to use it in a manner I don't think is the correct use, it's not my business at all.

What can I say, this person has also played the victim many times. I know, we all do it now and then, but when it's the only thing you ever do, your personality is negative AF. I hate to discount people who are chronically ill, but dang man, when all you do all the time is be negative, it's your identity. They also hang around with a group of people online that are full on into drama in a seriously negative manner.

It took me years to realize they where not a good person, but this drove the nail home big time.

My advice is, if you don't want your gift to someone used in certain ways, don't freaking give it to people. If I know a person is going to harm themselves with a gift, I'll not give it to them. That being said, I don't think having a couple too many drinks is "harming myself". I was careful not to drink too much like I did that one time. I was also carful AF not to drink too fast. It took me 2 days to finish it off, nut 4 hours like the time I got hurt.

I'm not justifying a drinking habit. But I know it's not good for me, and I choose to do it, because it's literally the only time I feel truly happy. It melts away the pain I have all the time. It's an extreme joy to be drunk. As well, most people do things that are not good for them - processed food for example is seriously not good for us, yet most of humanity in the free world eats it regularly. It's human nature to go for pleasure over health. To be exact, life is too short to not enjoy yourself. I'd rather skip having 5 or so more years of life (probably in a bloody care home) and enjoy my life. Longevity is NOT a blessing most of the time. I've seen many people who lived into their 90's and their life sucked for decades.

Just enjoy life, and if you are going to gift a person something, remember, it's theirs now, not yours, and they can do WTF they want to do with it.


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