Credit Card App Rant in 2 Parts

These are the exact same transactions, both posted and pending. It's the same amount from the same businesses. They became "Pending" on the day of purchase, and Posted the next day (thus the 1 day date difference - below is the date it Posted. So why in the HELL on the 12th are they still showing Pending? WTF is with this? I've said it 100 times and I'll say it again, this is the WORST card company in Canada.

Now lets go on about this BLOODY APP! They make you install it, and shut down the nice easy to use web page I WANT TO USE. See on the web page, if I need to I can screencap my bloody phone and have a copy for reference to mark and send them. BUT on the app, the "security" won't let you screencap it at all. There is no way in hell to do it, other than install a dodgy AF APK from some web page. No way in the permission setting to make this fuck off and allow me to do what I want to do with my own fucking phone on an app I should have fucking control over.

It's not like no one on earth can just take a fucking photo of the screen now can they? So this is pointless, other than the photo being of far less quality. Honest to GOD, WTF is with not allowing control over security for the person who owns the phone, the credit card (or bank card), and the fucking app? I completely get why, and understand the risk - oh wait as the photo proves, the risk is till fucking there now ain't it?

Now lets talk about unlocking the bloody app, because it's LOCKED and you can't make that fuck the hell off. Yes, I get it, someone might use it and rip me off. Well frankly, if they can unlock my phone without me being there, they can probably get into the bloody banking app or card app with a tether and a bit of code. After all, the FBI get into peoples locked apps now don't they? Being that hackers are often better at this shit, give me the choice to have it just open up when I want it. Again, I don't have control of my own device and apps. On a side note why the fuck do I need to use a fingerprint to unlock my health app?

Just piss off and let me have control of my own apps on my own device FFS. Put up a screen warning me and then let me click a fuck off and let me turn this annoying useless shit off button.


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