The Travelers - People Who Chose Not To Own A Home

The following is in response to another person:

We have people to are called travelers. They tend to not have a home, and just wonder on foot, hopping trains, or in vans. They move from place to place, sometimes for many years. They do some work here and there is needed, but the mostly beg and play songs and fire dance and shit for money. I've met many of the over the years. I was almost arrested when I went after a fucking cop for taking the dog of a couple doing this. The dog was loved and cared for, this was a bullshit move to say the least. I was literally on the edge of being hulled off I mad such a fuss. They called in a second car because other people in the park where starting to say shit, but I was in their bloody faces. And yes there are people here that do choose to be homeless and they are not mentally infirmed, some of them are intelligent. Some of them will do something to go to prison for a few months in the winter to keep warm.


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