Health Care Not Healthy...

This is my reaction to my Mother not qualifying for Long Term Care when the experts say she needs it. Also this experience has her on the verge of losing what little money she has. Her apartment needs to be let go of as she has not the money for the care she needs and the apartment. This may make her homeless in the end. She is 80 years old and is dying of lung cancer.

*Note there is no threat intended or desire to harm. This is a statement of fact.

I now know why people show up in government offices with a gun! This is my mothers life your MESSING WITH! She is soon to have no home to come back to. She can't walk 5 feet by herself. She can't speak a coherent sentence. She has stage 4 Lung cancer and you can see how she is failing by the day. There is no possibility for her to come home. She has no money left thanks to all you all who keep saying she does not qualify for long term care. She is at the end of her money and her time. I am at the end of my ability to stay calm and see what happens.

How many people have died too soon because you played these sick ass games with their lives? How many people took their own lives because of your sick ass games? How many families have had to sell their home to try and get their parent the care they needed? How many times do you not see what is being told to you by people far more able to make the right choice? And why do we keep saying we have medical care in Saskatchewan when in fact we have very little of it?
To state a fact, I will tell as many people as I can to stay as far away from Saskatchewan as they can. We have too few doctors. We have long lines for medical help. We have underfunded facilities. We have excellent staff leaving the province in record numbers to get paid what they should be paid here. We have a system that I believe to be predigest to first nations people and the old. We have a system that fails disabled people every day. We have far too many people moving bits of paper from one desk to the next instead of getting the job done. We put nurses in the place of trained professionals to do administration and then say look where is a shortage of nurses.

Now back to the personal level. My 80 year old Mother who has done more for people than any politician has ever done, is waiting to qualify for long term care. She is dying of lung cancer. She does not know where she is all the time. She can't express her needs or hold a conversion some days. She can not cook for her self. She has a great deal of difficulty in dressing her self. She can not go to the bathroom with out the aid of someone else. She can not clean her self. She does not understand money any more.

I am disabled and can not physically deal with the demands of her condition. If you have your way I will be alone in caring for her when I can't do the job. I moved into her building to take care of her and have had social services mess with me about the extra few bucks of rent I am getting. Not to mention that my taking care of her until I could no longer do it saved you thousands of dollars. I have been in a great deal of pain for almost a year every waking moment because I had the loving capacity to suck up the pain and be here for my Mother. I hid the tears from her so she did not feel bad I was in pain. There is no amount of money that would be enough to make me suffer the way I have. Yet I am messed with and when I send in a letter asking why things are being done outside of policy and regulation, I am ignored. Not to mention that that is an action that is against policy and/or the law.

You Mr. Brad Wall and your ilk have made this province a place not to come to. Not only for health care (or the lack there of) but for the lack of rent controls that the majority of the country has. There are people in growing numbers that are afraid to speak up, that see this as an attack on the poor by your government.
What have you done for the poor? What have you done for the third world conditions on the reserves in our province? What have you done to help the old and the sick and the vulnerable? What have you done for failing infrastructure? What have you done for the small farmers who are on the edge of losing it all? What have you done for the mentally ill? What have you done to stop children from being bullied until the end their lives or get violent? What have you done for the GBLTQ community? What have you done for immigrants who settle here? I will tell you, very little other than some speeches and token amounts of money tossed to failed programs.

You have not just failed me and my dying Mother, you have failed many. The sad thing is if this was to cross your desk it would be tossed away like the people who need your help. With a rapidly aging population, to sit on your butt and hold the line on taxes will end up in tragedy for many. I pray to God that you will see the light and do something not only for my Mother but for the many people who need the help and are not getting it.

Thank you for your time and God bless Saskatchewan.
David S. Nicholson.
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.


  1. Good for you, more people need to speak up like this then maybe they start listening.

    1. Thanks man. Good thing I am too lazy to do any harm and too fat to run away if I did... Oh I just had to make a joke... This is happening to a lot of people. It's sad to say the least. I can't help but think - if I did not embarrassed the local hospital on a national level as I did, would this have happened?


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