Windows 10 Reliable? LOL, Come on Pull The Other Leg Now...

OMG you have to be kidding? It flipping BLINKS. I will be sitting here and BLINK goes the desktop, the icons and so on. Now and then I will have something that I have in the background come to the foreground instead of what I am working on - all by it's self... Literally at LEAST once a week I need to tell it to open my phone and my USB thumb drives when I plug them into the PC - it seems to forget this. Almost every DAY I need to tell it to open BMP files with Infranview and YES I click the box to "always open with". At least once every 2 weeks, all other image formats will be LOST in regards to open with Infranview. Not to mention unless you go an manually delete many gigs of CRAP it leave behind when it updates, it will just forever be wasting space on your hard drive. Then there is the matter of OneDrive NOT working for months and me not knowing it... Sigh... As in not working since I upgraded to windows 10. I went looking for a fix when I found out about this and only found it on some blog post in the middle of nowhere, instead of on the Microsoft web forums or something useful like that. So then I had to leave the PC on over night as it dumped 23 GB of stuff to the cloud that I thought was already there. Sigh... Lets not forget that it removed a program that I have been using for years as it "is not compatible with this version of windows". So I reinstalled it and it worked fine. Best thing is, it's a spyware scanner and removal tool. Here is the most fun part - it's in the recommended list on the Microsoft web page. So excuse me, but you say to use it - then REMOVE IT? Not to mention that it seems to have forgotten my printer several times in the past - every time after some upgrade. Now lets talk about upgrades... If you don't go and tell it NOT TO, windows will just up and reset the PC while you are typing that important letter. I am talking no warning at all... The screen goes black and then it restarts. It don't tell you what is happening and it don't wait till your NOT using the PC. It just does it. Sigh... So this left a large amount of people looking for a virus that was doing this to them. After all who would in their right mind think that this was a normal funtion of the OS? Did I mention that it will often forget my folder settings after an update? So tell me why does it send my settings to the cloud if it's going to ignore or delete them after an update? Holly jumping cat fish... Yes "Reliable" is the right word for Windows 10... NOT!

Lets not forget all the crap it installed that I can't get rid of. I don't give a flying fart about grove music, maps or the like. Every few days the start menu tells me something "new" is in it - most of the time I never find the dang thing that is supposed to be "new" or it is NOT "new" at all, but an update of some crap I don't want. The hell that is cortana seems to want to be ON no matter what the living hell I do to make it piss off. There is no end to why this is NOT Slick and Reliable...


  1. For me, I usually wait a while, before upgrading, that way, a lot of the bugs are worked out and you can find out what the upgrade does and doesn't do and what you don't want it to do. Seems they dump this on everyone and make the user, that beta tester/guinea pig. My two cents worth. Thanks for blogging about what is going on with your upgrade.

    1. It's been a year lol. Should have fixed them by now.

  2. Yes. I have noticed most of these things. Remember that there will be no more new versions of windows. Each update creates the next "version" so you have to act as if you just installed windows ... For viewing files i like Irfanview. I had Ccleaner installed, but it removed it for being incompatible, as if Windows Defender can do the same thing LOL. I do not use the cloud, period. There is no way to completely disable updating; you can only delay. The trouble is, the updates are flaky - they have not been tested enough, so what is pooped out to your system trashes it. So sorry, user. The blinking seems to be some background process finishing something its doing. I think win 10 is the worst virus and malware anyone ever created. I am sure the FEDS love it for all the holes in it LOL. How easy to spy on people; just connect to Microsoft and start reading everything on EVERYONE'S computer


    1. LOL your comment double posted. I thought that was only on YouTube it was doing that. Sigh... I guess it's all the google sites... hehe... Yes the security is a nightmare. It literally keylogs you. So what can I say. I have a tech friend who came over with a neet tool. He pluged it into the usb port and turned on the PC. It then wedges it's self into the boot and tells you what is spying on you. There where 16 trackers in Windows 10 including a keyloger. They ALL report to Microsoft every couple of minutes and there is no blocking them or you can't get on the net. Sigh... As for the feds, I assume I am on a list some place anyway. I have spoken out against the government and tend to search rather strange things with google. Being that I know google tells on you when you search for "bombs" or "arms dealers" or "how to make meth" - I know some of the things I typed in would have been reported. The fact that I am not looking to actually break the law is erelavant... LOL. CCleaner works fine BTW... I tend to use McAffe for cleaning though. I have it so why not use it.

    2. I am sure they don't like me or my opinions. I have had a rather poor feeling about gv't since my Vietnam service. I have expressed my feelings about our govmint and Microsoft. The only way they can both fit in the same bunk is with MS on top of Govmint with dick installed up govmint's ass. ZThey love each other, what can I say? I won't be paying for MS OS anymore LOL.

    3. LOL - good one. Yes the Canadian CSIS and your FBI both said that they where able to let workers go when Facebook came online. So you know for sure they are watching us. Then again a LOT of people are looking at what almost everyone posts online. Oh well... Thus is life. Oh and it double posted again. Not a clue why - I removed the duplicate :)


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