Comparing 3 AI Image Generators

Here I will compare 3 AI image generators and

Deep Dream Generator (DDG) with a free account can generate an image of 1630 x 1278 maximum. At lowest quality and size you can get 28 images a day out of it in 2 sessions or about 6 at maximum quality and size.

Playground with a free account can generate an image of 1024 x 1024 maximum. You can get up to 1000 images aa day out of it.

Leonardo with a free account can generate an image of 768 x 1152 maximum. You can get 2 or 3 images a day out of it with your points. There is a bug that now and then will set off the you can't do that warning for no reason.

Below are images I generated with the same prompt for all 3 of a kind (2 on each site).

Rating I give them is 3/5 - 5/5 - 4/5 respectively.


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