2023 End of the Year Questions

1. If someone else were to write a book about your year, how would it go?
It would be a comedic tragedy with a great deal of chapters.

2. What surprised you about this year?
How cold an uncaring the super rich can be in their greed to grab up more money than they can ever need. There were record profits with a world of hyperinflation, they made it worse to get more out of us, no matter what the human cost was.

3. Did you do your best?
Yes, I had too, or I would not have made it.

4. What did you spend too much time or energy on?

5. How did you engage in self-care?
Lot’s of music and holding Pusheen the cat.

6. What do you wish you had done this year?
Gone to the park way more times than I did.

7. What bad habit did you drop?
I’d like to say drinking booze, but that may never be the case. 10 years from now I might get drunk. I don’t think we quit, but just keep delaying relapse.

8. What was your greatest accomplishment?
Not having a total breakdown and ending up on the mental ward.

9. What disappointed you this year?
People. I saw just how much hate there is in our society. I saw just how far people are willing to go to harm others in the name of a so-called God. I saw how much greed they have. I saw how little they care about the suffering of others. I saw how destructive they can be.

10. What did you learn from a failure?
That, like most people now, I’ll probably never be out of debt.

11. What did you avoid?
No joke, losing my will to live. It would have been very easy to just give up on life this year.

12. Who were your major supporters this year?
My friends just like the past 11 years. They have been there since Mom died to hold me up and take care of me emotionally.

13. What did you handle well?
The stress. It was crushing and I got past it every time, because I had no choice other than to just give up, and that is not going to happen.

14. What did you not handle well?
Keeping my thoughts under control. I went dark way too many times for my own good.

15. What are you grateful for?

16. What did you change your mind about?
Humanity. I thought we could be redeemed, but we can’t. We are a total loss.

17. What was the most fun you had this year?
Being with friends one day for coffee. It was just the perfect day and I enjoyed it deeply.

18. What three words sum up the theme of this year?
Man that sucked.

19. Did you improve anyone's life this year?
Yes, many people. I went out of my way to do that every day, no matter how bad I felt.

20. How are you different from when you started the year?
I think I’m a lot stronger emotionally. I still cry and feel crappy, but I handle it better now.


1. If someone else were to write a book about your year, how would it go?
2. What surprised you about this year?
3. Did you do your best?
4. What did you spend too much time or energy on?
5. How did you engage in self-care?
6. What do you wish you had done this year?
7. What bad habit did you drop?
8. What was your greatest accomplishment?
9. What disappointed you this year?
10. What did you learn from a failure?
11. What did you avoid?
12. Who were your major supporters this year?
13. What did you handle well?
14. What did you not handle well?
15. What are you grateful for?
16. What did you change your mind about?
17. What was the most fun you had this year?
18. What three words sum up the theme of this year?
19. Did I improve anyone's life this year?
20. How are you different from when you started the year?


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