The anatomy of a scam. This is the exact format I've seen several times on other people's videos on YouTube (in the comments). See if you went to my channel the latest video would be at the top of the list and this was on an older one. There is literally an email link in my profile on YouTube and it was not used (even if it was I'd not fall for this crap). They use the words "your family" to make you react emotionally. You have thoughts like "Is someone hurt or in trouble"? This is almost always a way to try and get "money to your family member in need". Or it's a way to get information out of you. Sometimes it's a long lost relative you never freaking heard of leaving you money. There will always be a fee you need to pay for the legal matters to be cleared up and you to get the money. SCAM. It's interesting I've seen so many people reaching out on YouTube to people about "their family" this few months.


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