I recently created 5 sets of puzzles for Jigsaws Galore for my own use. All my photos I have taken over the years, and decided to share the photos. This first set is at the armories in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, and where 400 pieces each.

This second set was at Java Express in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. The place has been closed for years now, and I miss going there. The puzzles where 500 pieces each.

This next set is at Punnichy, Saskatchewan, and the junk yard was selling it's stock off and closing. This was a number of years ago. They where 600 pieces each.

This next set is in Crescent Park in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. It includes the Library and the Art museum. They where 700 pieces each.

Last set was taken in Tugaske, Saskatchewan on a road trip we took several years ago. They where 800 pieces each.


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