Places From My Youth Part 3: The Snow Hut

I swear to God I thought I had a photo of the Snow Hut, but I don't, so here is my Brother and I on our swing set.

The Snow Hut on South Hill is an icon to this day in Moose Jaw. We went there after a meal of chicken in the park or burgers elsewhere almost every time.

I always got Tiger Tiger. Mom always got strawberry, my Brother always got chocolate and Dad always got cherry.

The place also had a car wash and a laundromat and a convenience store.

I've not been there in probably 15 years, but it's still going strong. After I started to drive I went there myself many times for a cone or to buy a magazine only they sold.

Some times I'd get a cone and go watch the sun set just outside of town. It would be a great end to the day.


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