A Callus on My Heel Causing Pain

I have a callus on the heel of my left foot that has been bothering me for years now. I try to put lotion on it, but it often does nothing to help. It ends up pealing off and there is dead skin from my foot all over my apartment (even in the bed). Now and then there will be a spot that cracks or peals too deep and it will give me a lot of pain when I walk, this is such a time sadly. Below is a photo with the spot in question circled. You can get chemicals to apply that will help you peal it all off, but I don't have money to spend on this, and I don't have money to go and get it removed every other month from a professional. Thus I deal with it when I can, and how I can. It's not nearly as bad as it was in the past however, as I've managed over the last several years to reduce it in thickness and keep it from forming deep cracks that can lead to infection. This is caused by repeated pressure on the location and the skin tries to protect it's self by forming a callus. The right foot is not really affected by this at all, as I tend to lean to the left a bit when I walk, I always have my entire life. Anyway, here is the photo.


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