A Month of Blogs Day 19 (Your First Love)

Well, she is dead, so I'll use her real first name - Sarah.

Sarah was a small girl in stature, but her personality was larger than life. She also lit up a room when she came into it. I was rather a downer at the time, thinking that the world was nothing but evil and pain.

How she fell in love with me I will never know. But one day at a bush party (drinking party in the countryside), there she was. She did not drink anything but Coke that night, and never did I see her drink alcohol. We bonded and over the next two months fell deeply in love. It was to say the least passionate. When I held her, the world melted away and there was nothing but the warmth that enveloped us.

Her favorite food was Greek ribs of all things. Her favorite drink was Dr. Pepper. Her hair was red and her spirit unbreakable. She was ever optimistic in life. She wanted children, even though I though it was a bad idea to bring kids into this world, but we never had that chance. One of her life goals was to go to Tokyo, and I wish to the Goddess I could have taken her there.

She died sadly (her heart just up and stopped at age 20) and I had to let her go forever. I have to say, I will never have anything like that in my life again. There where others, but the fire never burned as bright.

I will always have the memories of us going to the our spot and watching the sunset. I have never been that happy again, and I don't I can be. Now, there is no way I want to fall in love again - the others where a disaster, and I am done with it - there will never be another Sarah in my life.

Side note: This is blog post number 4000 on this site.


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