A Month of Blogs Day 1 (About Me)

If I remember to do it, I will be posting a blog post every day this month with prompts I have. Today is "write about yourself as a person".

To be honest I've always found it difficult to do this. It seems much more east to write about another person than to do it about myself.

Well, I have been on disability (SAID) for years and years now. I am unable to work at all. Physically there are things I could do, like work in an office some place, but I can't do the stress of working it seems. The last 3 times I tried, I ended up having to quit and ended up in the hospital for emotional reasons. It triggered an outbreak of my mental illness.

I suffer from depression, anxiety and schizoaffective disorder. It has limited me greatly over the years. Strangely enough, I had my first outbreak late in life. Normally it will happen in your teen years. I was in my 40's at the time. Before I got on proper meds, the depression was crippling, it left me in a hell of a bad state of mind. I don't take anything for the anxiety at all, as the meds for that leave me even more brain fogged than I normally am.

I've been educated in consumer electronic repair, data management, information system technologies, management, and a number of smaller things not really worth mentioning. None of this education was worth my money or time as I never ended up working in any of the jobs related to them. I honestly blame it in discrimination to plus sized people and the fact I did not want to move out of the city to get work.

I've been into digital art since the late 1980's in one form or another. Right now I do mostly fractal art on the P.C. I have in the past done a lot of digital painting however and found it to be quite fun.

I've been a daily vlogger for many years now as well. In 13 years I've only missed 2 days total.

I would not call myself religious at all, but I am a spiritual being. I worship in my own pagan way and am happy with it. I was very into Christianity at one time, but it led to a lot of emotional damage.

Well I don't have a clue what else to say, so I'll end it here.


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