So if you set Bing as your default search engine in Chrome, it come sup in a blank tab with the 3 dots thing. You can click that, then Office and launch the Office 365 online apps in the browser. I'm told this is free to use. I subscribe to Office 365 to get the 1TB of cloud storage with it, and have the apps on my PC and Tablet - so I don't have first hand experience with the web versions. I fired up Word in the browser and it had my files from the cloud handy to use, but had less features than the installed version of them. Still it's enough to do most things you want with a document. Did not try the other apps, I assume they are also scaled down a bit. As for subscribing to Office 365, I love it for the storage I will never use unless I live to be 90 and lets face it, I'll be a pile of ashes before then. You can also go to sign in and use the apps from there. Even with the free version of OneDrive, you can have a pile of files to edit and share in the cloud.


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