JWildfire is a heck of a cool flame fractal render program. Like other flame render you can edit with the triangles and do mutations. It's a bit faster and more quality results than a lot of the others I've seen. It's free and you can donate to them. It does however require Java and that has to be installed first. There is instructions in the folder when you unzip it. Windows, Linux and OS X are supported.The Mac version actually does not need java - it's an all in one package. The random batch like most flame programs will give mixed results but it's much nicer than some of them. With the random generation it seems to come up with a random name that is embedded into the .flame file. There are NO flames in the folder that I can see at all - I find that a little strange as when you save it, the file names is NOT the flame name. But it works well and is easy enough to use. If you figured out Apophysis you will easily learn this thing.


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