For their children as well (POEM)

For their children as well
DSN September 11, 2004

If only they had known they'd be dammed.
If only they had not turned from Gods eyes.
If only they where told the truth.
Then all the children would sill be playing.

In only they knew an eye for an eye - leaves no one left.
If only they had some compassion.
If only they knew they where puppets.
Then all the children would still be playing.

But they where told it was a holy cause.
Now the children rest forever.
Now they stand in judgment before God.
And the children are silent know.

But they where told they would be martyrs.
Now the holy men are still safe.
Now the truth is still withheld form their people.
And the children are silent know.

They came with guns and with bombs.
They came to a place full of joy.
They came to take away all hope.
Now the children hide in fear.

They came to do justice.
They came to do what the evil told them to do.
They came with the blessing of satin.
Now the children hide in fear.

Now all is quiet.
Now the ground is stained with blood.
Now the graves are still being dug.
Now they have taken the children all away.

Now in their home the leaders still lie.
Now in their home their children fallow them to hell.
Now in their home their eyes are still closed.
Now they have taken the children all away.

Why must man do so much harm.
Why must we be such fools.
Can we not see they way clear?
And must the children always suffer?

Why must holy men lie about the word?
Why must they think they are right?
Why must fools reap so much sadness?
Why must fools find revenge?
And must the children always suffer?

All is finally quiet.
All is finally still.
Only the wind is left to blow the dust.
Only memories will remain.
And the children are all gone now.

All is dust and ash.
All is as foretold.
Only God knows the answer.
Only God knows what must be done.
And the children are all gone now.


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