OK these on the left are the "single rolls" from Real Canadian Superstore. They are the No Name Brand (yes that is the brand name). So they look like standard single rolls from the side. I should have read the bag before I opened it - sigh.
 You will notice that the paper is made in such a way that it is very puffed out by the pattern on it's sheets. This makes them able to have less on the roll and seem to be the same size at first glance. If you look at how many feet there are it's noticeable less than most single rolls.
This is a double roll of the Purex that I normally get. They where supposed to be on sale at Superstore for $5.99 for 12 of them, but when I got there - there was not even a place for them on the shelves. They simply did not have any and looks like they never did. You will notice how like most toilet paper rolls it's rather tightly rolled up and not all puffed out like the No Name brand. So yeah - more sheets per diameter.

I'll not be making the mistake of going for this brand again. I was disappointed with almost every other thing with No Name stamped on it in the past, so I don't know why I expected not to be this time.

By the way, I have a big problem with Toilet Paper. If I don't have at least 10 rolls, I get more of it. Literally I fear running out of it that badly. It's some kind of issue I have. But I have $20 of airmiles coming in soon - if there is a sale I'll get like a bunch more for next month with the airmiles.


  1. I totally agree about the ones that are embossed with patterns so the look like big rolls. Such a rip off. We buy rolls from Aldi. Not posh ones but good value and no fingers through the rolls into your butt lol

  2. I always look at ounces anytime I buy something new and compare it to the weight of the thing I usually get. I just recently heard about No Name and it looks terrifying lol. All stores here pretty much have their own name brand and then at Walmart you can find the thing that's even cheaper than that. Literally there isn't a name. It just says 'Soda' or whatever. But like whatever company it is, only makes a handful of random items and the stock is so scattered, you never know when it will be there.

    1. Discount soda is mostly bad but now and then kind of good.

    2. all soda pretty much tastes the same to me lol so I don't care xD I get diet/zero soda though bc of calories and it's less fizzy than normal soda which is good bc the carbonation hurts for some reason. I rarely drink soda at all though. Usually just tea, milk, water, and COFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    3. I drink 12 to 16 cups of coffee a day.


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